Willerby signs 'Time to Change' pledge

10 February 2020

5 min read time

Willerby has signed the ‘Time to Change’ pledge.

The pledge is a nationwide campaign, supported by Hull City Council and leading mental health charity Mind. This year’s theme is to urge everyone to ‘Ask Twice’ if someone close to them is acting differently. Many people are still uncomfortable opening-up about mental health issues and when asked how they are, will often say “I’m fine” when they’re really not.

To tackle this, Time to Change supporters like Willerby are urging people to Ask Twice if they suspect a friend, family member, or colleague might be struggling with their mental health. The simple act of asking again, with interest, shows a genuine willingness to talk and listen.

At Willerby, a new mental health support framework is being launched, developed by the Human Resource and Health & Safety teams with the help of advice from Mind. Training & advice will be given in all company inductions, to help employees to spot the signs of mental health difficulties and encourage them to ‘Ask Twice’.

In addition, ‘Time to change Champions’ and ‘Mental Health First Aiders’ will be recruited and trained, alongside all managers, so that they are fully equipped whenever someone needs a supportive ear.

Sue Allan, group finance director at Willerby, said: “We know from statistics that many of us may be affected by mental health issues at some point in our lives, either personally or through our colleagues, friends and loved ones. Therefore, it is important for us to create a workplace where our employees feel supported and comfortable enough to talk about how they feel. We want to ensure that no one suffers in silence.”

Other local businesses who have signed the pledge include Siemens Gamesa, Hull College and Aunt Bessies.

To find out more information about the pledge please visit: https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/get-involved/get-your-workplace-involved/employer-pledge