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Team talk with Lee Hill

20 July 2021

1 min read time
In this month’s Team Talk, we find out a bit more about furnisher and chargehand Lee Hill. He joined us as a labourer in January 2013 and trained to progress into his current role on Line 2.

Q. Tell us about your job and what it involves.

A. As a chargehand, I oversee and work as part of the team fitting furniture in the holiday homes. I maintain the quality standard of the furniture and keep an eye on my team to make sure the holiday homes are built to our gold standard.

Q. What’s the best thing about your job?

A. All of it - I love my job. I work with a brilliant group. We’ve got a good rapport and we pull together to make sure we get the job done to the highest standard.

Q. What does being part of the Willerby team mean to you?

A. I really enjoy working for Willerby. I came here as a labourer and now I’m a skilled Chargehand. I enjoy being here and Willerby has helped me to progress. They’ve done a lot for me over the years in terms of training and having faith in me to lead my own team.

Q. If you didn’t work for Willerby and you could do any job in the world, what would it be?

A. I’d be a beer taster! I love having a Kronenbourg with the lads.

Q. What’s your guilty pleasure?

A. I’m a big Hull Kingston Rovers fan. I’ve followed them since I was a young lad and I’m a pass holder.